So instead of feeling more explosive and dynamic, higher-tier battles tend to feel slower and more frustrating. Higher-tier weapons are usually just bigger-number versions of earlier ones, and feel outmatched by the improved defensive abilities of higher-tier ships (those medics with their proximity-based healing lasers are the unsung heroes here). The problem is that nothing really ratchets up in the upper echelons of the game.
Once I hit heavy grind territory, I used the £60 Outlaw Hoard code to speed things up, giving me double XP for 180 days, a couple of hero ships that allowed me into the rarefied stratosphere of Legendary battles, enough GP to buy a snazzy new ship of my choice, some cosmetic bits, and a whole load of credits. Not that this is too insidious as free-to-play models go, especially since higher-tier battles don’t offer that much of an improved experience except for the decreased likelihood of playing against bots. Getting up to Tier 3 ships and Veteran battles takes several hours of play, but beyond that you’re looking at some serious time investments-all the more daunting given that Tier 3 ships seem significantly weaker that the Tier 4 ones you find yourself up against at the Veteran level. There are five tiers of ship, with battles divided into Recruit (Tier 1 and 2), Veteran (Tier 3 and 4) and Legendary (Tier 4 and 5) categories. It takes a fair while before progress in Dreadnought slows down to the point where you’ll be asking yourself whether to cough up those space credits or catch the next warpgate out of there.